User-centered design, human-centered design approaches

User-centered design (UCD) and human-centered design (HCD) are design philosophies that prioritize the needs, preferences, and contexts of end-users. UCD is a design approach that places the user at the core of the design and development process. It seeks to optimize the product around how users can, want, or need to use the product, rather than forcing the users to change their behavior to accommodate the product. HCD, on the other hand, is a broader concept that encompasses not only the user's needs but also considers the broader impact of the design on society, culture, and the environment. While both approaches emphasize empathy and a deep understanding of the people for whom they are designing, HCD often extends its focus to consider the holistic well-being of human systems and the planet.

What does design consideration mean?

Notably, there was an overlap between design considerations and influencing factors. The former focuses on concluding possible design suggestions, recommendations, and implications proposed by the reviewed articles. The latter involves mapping the impacts of interaction design on digital PEx in different contexts; therefore, they refer to different themes and references.

Need Assessment


  1. Know the needs, capabilities, and environment of users through focus groups, surveys, interviews, and personas;

  2. Composing, preparing, and organizing contents.


Usability testing


  1. Gain early feedback from users through prototypes; Benchmark testing, user testing, heuristic analysis, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and observations in other healthcare settings.




  1. Fit the tech to the person, not the person to the tech; Pilot testing, task analysis, and reporting mechanism.


Monitor and sustain


  1. Understanding work-as-imagined often differs from work-as-done;

  2. Pre- and post-testing, contextual inquiry, and safety and hazard reporting.