What influences
digital patient experience?

There are varying, complex, and heterogeneous influencing factors that have additive effects on the digital patient experience. An influencing factor is an aspect of the existing situation that influences other aspects of the situation, and it is formulated as an attribute of an element that is considered relevant and can be observed, measured, or assessed. Some factors have either positive or negative, consistent, and concrete impacts, whereas others are highly context-dependent and have double-edged impacts, that is, impacts that are different per individual or change over time. For example, some patients experienced digital health as time-consuming or an additional burden, whereas others experienced it as time-saving or convenient.

part 1

Define Design

Design is expanding its influence in shaping future healthcare. Designers can improve the digital patient experience by mediating certain influencing factors, for example, increasing positive factors or reducing negative factors. Designing experience in health brings together a variety of disciplines and stakeholders, which requires aligning the goals of organizations, technology, and people in the real world. Ideally, designers apply design theories, guidelines, and methods to improve patient experiences in digital health. In this section, we provide an overview of the digital patient experience's influencing factors and design considerations and transform these design considerations into nine design guidelines to help designers mediate varying influencing factors in the design process. After this section, you are expected to become familiar with what influences the digital patient experience, identify the relevant factors in your own projects, formulate suitable design goals, and select appropriate design guidelines to achieve your design goals.


What are the common factors that facilitate or impede the digital patient experience?


How do we address these factors through design?


How can we apply the above design constructs and methods to improve the digital patient experience?

Patient capability 
Patient opportunity
Patient motivation
Intervention technology
Intervention functionality
Intervention interaction design
Organizational environment
Physical environment
Social environment

Frame your design goals, select your design guidelines
