Patient Opportunity

The individual’s internal conditions that enable or disrupt patients to engage in digital health. It refers to patients' identity and health status.

For example, lack of access to mobile devices were reported as barriers to using the DHI.

What are positive, negative, and double-edged factors?

These categories were classified into positive, negative, and double-edged factors based on their positive, negative, and diverse impacts on digital PEx. 

  • Positive Factors describe the advantageous or beneficial attributes

  • Negative Factors describe the disadvantages or detrimental attributes.

  • Double-Edged Factors describe attributes that have both beneficial and harmful sides.



  • Younger age (eg, easier access to the internet)

  • DHIs fit into patient’s daily routine


  • Older age (eg, with age-related barriers)

  • Low socioeconomic status (eg, lack of access to digital health)

  • Business (eg, travel required, household responsibilities)


  • Gender differences


Health status


  • The earlier stages of illness and partial or full remission


  • Advanced chronic disease and complex comorbidities

  • The acute stages of illness

  • Out of control health condition

  • Cognitive barriers


  • Gender differences