Patient Capability

The individual’s psychological and physical capacity to engage in the concerned digital health activity. It refers to patients’ knowledge and skills on operating digital health technologies and confidence levels for completing digital health tasks.

For example, inability to safely operate a DHI equipment was a barrier to patient acceptance and required patients to develop skills to use the equipment.

What are positive, negative, and double-edged factors?

These categories were classified into positive, negative, and double-edged factors based on their positive, negative, and diverse impacts on digital PEx. 

  • Positive Factors describe the advantageous or beneficial attributes

  • Negative Factors describe the disadvantages or detrimental attributes.

  • Double-Edged Factors describe attributes that have both beneficial and harmful sides.

Knowledge and Skills

Positive Factors

  • Familiarity with the technology

  • Previous positive experience with digital health

Negative Factors

  • Low literacy (language, technology; or health)

  • Previous negative experiences with digital health (eg, failure to achieve goals and disappointment with the DHIs


Confidence Levels

Negative Factors

  • Lack of confidence in skills

  • Perceived inability to use technologies or services

  • Misunderstanding digital health tasks