Intervention Technology

The integration of telecommunications and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, and storage and audiovisual software, which enables users to access, store, transmit, understand, and manipulate health information. It refers to technical usability, technical features, and delivery media.

For example, equipment or battery failure, high system complexity, data transmission and input difficulties, instable Internet connection, complex software downloads, and account or password settings lead to difficulty of use.

What are positive, negative, and double-edged factors?

These categories were classified into positive, negative, and double-edged factors based on their positive, negative, and diverse impacts on digital PEx. 

  • Positive Factors describe the advantageous or beneficial attributes

  • Negative Factors describe the disadvantages or detrimental attributes.

  • Double-Edged Factors describe attributes that have both beneficial and harmful sides.

Technical Usability


  • Ease of use and understanding

  • Ready-to-use applications and devices

  • Automatic and seamless system updating

  • Adaptive interface

  • Avoiding error prompts


  • Difficulty to use 

  • Equipment or battery failure

  • High system complexity (eg, complex software downloads and account or password settings)

  • Data transmission and input difficulties

  • Unstable internet connection or slow loading of website

  • Low accessibility

  • Low error tolerance

  • Poor picture and sound quality

  • Low visibility on small screens


Technical Features


  • Detect an improvement from digital health data or share data with HCPsc

  • Medication or appointment reminders or altering

  • Symptoms tracking dairies or tools

  • Timely feedback or motivational feedback notifications

  • Ability to print or email information

  • Ability to take voice commands

  • Nutrition calculator

  • Clinical measurements

  • A security password for record access

  • Agenda setting

  • Recommender systems

  • Summary reports for supporting shared decision-making

  • Input or review information at any point


  • Access to changeless or worse physiological data over time


  • Access to data


Delivery media or devices


  • Mobile technology

  • Video- or audio-based technology (for users with sensory impairments)

  • Assisted equipment (eg, provide headphones for people with hearing difficulties and larger monitors with improved lighting for people with visual impairments)


  • Web-based technology


  • Types of devices (eg, mobile phones or computers)

  • Device ownership (eg, personal devices or devices without personal identifiers)

  • Types of channels (eg, SMS text message or videos)
