Care quality

Assess whether the DHI delivers effective, safe, people-centered, timely, accessible, equitable, integrated, efficient care services. It refers to the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes.

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Intervention outputs are partially determined by the intervention inputs and processes (i.e., influencing factors and design considerations, such as personalized design).

Accessible care


  • Accessibility of care services: data, information, and HCPs.

  • Involvement of related stakeholders: family, friends, and peer-to-peer communication.

  • Accessibility to high quality care: timely, integrated, continuous, improved (more predictable daily life), convenient (fits into daily routines), and personalized care.


Safe and credible care


  • Credibility and accountability of care: the owners’ credibility, third party verification.

  • Security of care: the number of medical errors.

  • Privacy of care: the presence of general privacy notifications, the documentation of individual access to user private data, regulation compliance.