
Assess whether the DHI works as intended. It refers to the ability of the DH system to support the desired intervention.

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What is intervention Outputs?

Intervention outputs are partially determined by the intervention inputs and processes (i.e., influencing factors and design considerations, such as personalized design).

Intended values


  • Ability to either change or maintain the user’s health state in a beneficial way: support self-management, shared decision-making, trigger actions, track and respond to changes.

  • Ability to collect clinical metrics: the number of monitored variables, the frequency, accuracy, concordance, timeliness, and visibility of monitoring.


Content and information


  • Quality of the content: evidence-based, tailored, relevance, practicality, consistency, clarity.

  • Amount of the information: comprehensible, completeness, glanceability (understandability), and conciseness.

  • Language of the information: simple nontechnical language, actionable message, a nonauthoritarian, friendly, and non-judgmental tone of voice.


Intended values


  • Ability to either change or maintain the user’s health state in a beneficial way: support self-management, shared decision-making, trigger actions, track and respond to changes.

  • Ability to collect clinical metrics: the number of monitored variables, the frequency, accuracy, concordance, timeliness, and visibility of monitoring.


Intervention features


  • Appropriate features that meet the intended values: activity planning, activity scheduling, activity tracking, diary, alerts, journal, feedback, reminders.

  • Degree of setup, maintenance, and training: ready to use, initial training, ongoing education.

  • Channel or mode of delivery: phone calls, social media, mobile applications, web, video, devices, and wearable kit.


Theory-based interventions


  • Presence or absence of an underlying theoretical basis: behavior change theory, social presence, a quality certification.